January 22, 2020

Fire Damage Hazards: 3 Reasons to Call the Experts

Before you start scrubbing, consider these three reasons to bring in expert help.

Fire Damage Hazards: 3 Reasons to Call the Experts
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If your house has been damaged by a fire, you are likely facing a growing list of things you need to do, all while wondering about the fate of your home. When it comes time to start cleaning up, it is important to address all the issues that come with fire damage. Before you start scrubbing, consider these three reasons to bring in expert help.  

Fire Damage Hazards: 3 Reasons to Call the Experts

1. Damage Can Be Hidden

Even if the fire damage appears to be minor and superficial, you still want a professional restoration expert to assess the situation. This way, you can be assured that there are no structural concerns hidden from sight.

2. Smoke Can Linger If Not Treated Correctly

One of the most difficult odors to remove completely, smoke is absorbed by porous surfaces and lingers in insulation, fabrics, carpeting, and walls. Unlike surface treatments that temporarily mask the smell of smoke, professional smoke remediation services extract the odors, so they don’t come back.

3. Water Can Lead to Mold

A lot of fire damage is actually from the water used to put out the flames. Drywall, framing, and furniture may be soaked in the process. When water is left to sit, it can cause mold to grow and spread, possibly even into spaces inside walls and throughout insulation. Water damage resulting from firefighting activities must be addressed right away. The quicker it is cleaned up, and the area is allowed to dry, the less likely you are to have problems down the road. Problems like mold growing inside the walls and furniture that can be avoided by taking action early.

Leave Fire Damage Cleanup to the Professionals

If your Utah home has been damaged by fire, leave the cleanup and repair to restoration professionals. Contact the knowledgeable and experienced folks at RainFire Restoration to learn how we can help.